Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis - Pivot Podiatry Thornton, NSW

Plantar fasciopathy is an injury of the plantar fascia tendon and should be treated as early as possible (tendinopathy is a degeneration of the collagen protein that forms the tendon, with or without inflammation).

One form of fasciopathy is Plantar Fasciitis often referred to as heel spurs, where a band of connective tissue that runs from the bottom of your heel bone to the bottom of your forefoot bones becomes inflamed.

The role of your plantar fascia is to maintain your arch height whilst walking, so when you walk excessively or without shoes your plantar fascia may become fatigued or inflamed.

Additionally, foot posture or bio-mechanical variations can lead to excess loading of your plantar fascia and potential pain, inflammation or small-tears.

A common symptom of plantar fasciopathy is tenderness under your heel bone on first steps after sleeping or resting, tenderness may improve the longer you continue to walk once tenderness is felt.

Pain on bottom of your heel is common in middle-aged ladies and gentlemen, people with high levels of physical activity/standing and individuals who are overweight or suddenly gained in weight.

Variations in medial (inside) foot arch height and amount of foot rolling motion may also be a variable contributing to your bottom of heel symptoms and reduced strength.

In addition, variations in strength of different foot muscles and footwear lacking in outsole rigidity (support) can also play a part in your heel symptoms.